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Should you pay off your home loan early?

7 September 2021

It makes sense to want to pay your home loan off early, being free of debt can free you of your stress and worry. With the number of financial benefits that come with paying a home loan off faster, it can seem like an easy decision if you have the

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Nine in 10 FHBs trust brokers to help them buy their first property

2 September 2021

Remember that classic TV ad: ‘nine out of 10 dentists recommend using [toothpaste brand]?’ Well, it turns out we’ve earned a similar level of trust when it comes to helping first home buyers sink their teeth into the property market. Check out our latest blog below to read why.

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Property vs neighbourhood: Which is most important?

31 August 2021

Unfortunately, most Australians can’t afford the best house on the best street. For that reason, buying real estate is a constant compromise between budget, location and the physical attributes of the property. With that compromise in mind, what’s more important when buying a home: the location or the property itself?

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How to ease financial pressure through debt consolidation

26 August 2021

Most people, besides those who ran away to join a circus, will likely drop at least one of them within a few tosses. One ball though? Easy peasy. It’s not too dissimilar to the concept of debt consolidation, which we’ve covered in this week’s blog

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