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Are you too loyal for your own good? The banks think so

16 September 2021

Are you too loyal for your own good? The banks think so, with the average Australian household paying more than $37,000 in extra interest over the life of their home loan due to the loyalty tax.

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What is the ideal property type for your first home?

14 September 2021

Getting ready to buy your first home is an exciting time. While saving for your deposit or wading through the intricacies of home loans can be a strain, it’s all worth it when you can finally start picking out your dream home. But with so many types of property on

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Are they really OK? Here’s how to check in with them today

9 September 2021

Do you know how the people in your world are really doing right now? Chances are you know someone who’s doing it tough, but silently pressing on. As always, we’re here to support you, and for R U OK? Day we’re sharing ways you can help others. ?

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Refinancing figures are on a record-breaking run: here’s why

9 September 2021

With interest rates at record low levels, the number of homeowners refinancing has skyrocketed to an all-time high. Today we’ll run you through why so many people are refinancing, and why you should consider doing so too. ?

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